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置 zhi

Home Pinyin zhi

安置 ānzhì placement; resettle; resettlement

并置 bìngzhì juxtaposition

布置 bùzhì arrange; furnished

处置 chǔzhì disposal; dispose; disposed; disposer; disposing

倒置 dǎozhì invert

放置 fàngzhì place; placed; placement

浮置 fúzhì levitate

搁置 gēzhì shelve; shelved; shelving

购置 gòuzhì purchase

空置 kōngzhì unoccupied; vacant

难以置信 nányǐ zhìxìn incredible

内置 nèizhì inbuilt

配置 pèizhì configurable; configuration; configurations; configure; configuring

偏置 piānzhì biasing

设置 shèzhì set-up; setting; settings

位置 wèizhì location; position

误置 wùzhì mislaid

闲置 xiánzhì idle; idled

预置 yùzhì presets

置备 zhìbèi provisioned

置换 zhìhuàn permute; permuted; permuting; replacement

置身 zhìshēn stay in the body

置业 zhìyè home ownership

装置 zhuāngzhì device; installations

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce